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Rutland Region Housing Needs Assessment

Date posted:
September 1, 2023

The final report of the Rutland Regional Housing Needs Assessment is now available! The RRPC partnered with the Vermont Housing Finance Agency to prepare this assessment to aid in an overhaul of the Rutland Regional Plan. We are also sharing this widely to provide our partners with the data and tools necessary address our housing crisis and develop housing options across the spectrum.  

“Many Rutland region residents have housing needs that have been further exacerbated by challenges of the current housing market. These factors are especially pertinent for those paying high shares of their income for housing, those experiencing homelessness, and BIPOC residents seeking to buy homes. Aspects of the region’s housing stock related to housing quality, size of available homes, and pace of home building have created additional needs for the region’s overall housing market over the coming years.”

To read more, review the complete assessment linked to the right.

Important Info:


Competed for the Rutland Regional Planning Commission by: Vermont Housing Finance Agency (VHFA)


Published on
September 1, 2023

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