Town Planning rutland

Town Planning

Town plans convey a community’s vision, a vision that represents all segments of the population. Plans preserve what is great, lay the groundwork for change, and set the stage for the future. The planning process creates an opportunity for citizens to congregate and brainstorm on a shared community vision. Contract with us to write the plans or bylaws, or to manage the planning process for your town. Or contact us to get help understanding new laws and figuring out how to shift practices or policies to follow the new laws.

Contact Our team for personal assistance

Logan is every town planning commissions ‘best friend’ as he provides technical assistance for town planning and zoning.
NEW! Town Plan Resource

RRPC's Town Plan Toolkit

Learn how to create and adopt your plan, using tools and resources from RRPC.

  • Chapter 1 explains what a municipal plan is, its benefits, and how RRPC can help.
  • Chapter 2 provides tools and information to develop a plan that utilizes public input and adheres to state law.
  • Chapter 3 provides checklists and tools for adopting a plan and getting regional approval.
  • Chapter 4 outlines how the plan is used in local and state permitting.




Town Plans

Reflect The Changing Vision of The Community

A town plan, also called a municipal plan, is a document that sets a vision for how a community wishes to grow and the concrete action steps that are needed to achieve their goals.

Town plans are intended to be “living” documents that change over time to reflect the changing vision of the community.  Town plans are required by statute to contain specific elements and to be consistent with state planning goals if they wish to receive regional approval. 24 V.S.A. § 4382 and §4302.

Town Plans

Zoning for Great Neighborhoods

The RRPC works with municipalities to implement Bylaw Modernization Grants to update zoning to improve community design, increase housing options, and much more!

Bylaws and ordinances are the regulatory tools used to implement the town plan.  They can preserve or protect areas such as scenic vistas, or properties susceptible to flooding.

They can also be a tool to sustain the character of a town by providing a framework for how buildings should look or how land should be used—or not used.

Town Planning - Zoning

Unlock A Town’s Economic Potential

Discover the benefits awaiting your community with a state designated center.

Village Center and Downtown Designations help to unlock a town’s economic potential by incentivizing development in areas that produce the highest tax revenues. Designations from the state open the door to grants, tax credits, and other incentives. Currently, there are more than 20 designated areas in the Rutland Region.

View Designated Areas

Town Planning - Designations
Municipal Planning Grants

Great way to fund local planning initiatives

The Municipal Planning Grant (MPG) program is designed to encourage and support local planning and revitalization.

Vermont Department of Housing and Community Development administers the program, which runs on an annual, competitive cycle. Planning initiatives include town plan and zoning updates, studies to plan for future growth and development, capital improvement planning, and project scoping or development.

Contact RRPC if your community is interested in applying!

Contact Us Today!

Municipal Planning Grants
Technical Assistance

Your Go-To Resource

RPC is your town’s low-cost, high-value resource to help the local planning commission get the job done.

Here are a few ways to use us as a resource:

  • Tap into our planning expertise: Receive guidance, ask questions, solicit advice, get solid examples of best practices from towns like yours.
  • Use our GIS professionals for data analysis and collection, mapping, and more.
  • Take advantage of our technical assistance in drafting bylaws or ordinances.
  • Contract with us to write the plans or bylaws, or to manage the planning process for your town. Municipal Planning Grants are a great tool for this.
  • Get help understanding new laws and figuring out how to shift practices or policies to follow the new laws.

Let’s Get In Touch!

Call us today if you feel inspired to participate or want to learn more about project and grant management programs.

Call Now! 802-775-0871
Resources/ Publications

Information at your fingertips

The RRPC has the most accurate and up-to-date information to save you time, effort, and money in all your local planning endeavors.



Town Planning - Resources

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